Rick Perry claimed in a recent campaign ad that there’s a war on Christianity. As an intelligent, seemingly non-crazy Christian, do you agree with him?
I think there’s enough evidence that shows there is some effort being made toward controlling religion.
Could you give me an example?
It’s pretty clear that they’re taking prayer out of school. It’s been happening for a very long time. The very first schoolbook that was written had God all over it. I collect books and I have some really, really old schoolbooks, and God is mentioned on every single page. They’re taking God out of the schools to dumb us down.
I’m almost positive they’re trying to have the opposite effect.
It’s not just in the schools. There are a lot of people being persecuted for what they believe in. There was that girl who was fired from a Macy’s in Texas because she didn’t let some cross-dressing dude into the woman’s dressing room. Come on! Are you out of your mind, Macy’s?
I think she was transgender, not a cross-dresser.
That’s not my point.
There’s a pretty big difference. And if we want to talk about persecution …
All I know is, if my wife walked in there and some transgender dude in a dress walked out, I would beat his ass.
Her ass.
You mean her ass.
The dude in the dress?

Dave Mustaine performs with Megadeth in Stevenage, U.K., July 2011 Photo: Ollie Millington/Getty Images
Never mind, let’s awkwardly change the subject. You have firm religious convictions that I assume include a belief in heaven and hell, right?
That’s right.
If a Christian hell exists, isn’t it likely that Elvis Presley is down there?
[Pause.] You’re asking if I think Elvis is in hell?
Or any rock legend. Jim Morrison is probably in hell, right? John Bonham’s in hell. John Lennon, hell. Jimi Hendrix, hell. Dimebag Darrell, hell. Bon Scott is definitely in hell. Doesn’t that depress you a little?
Well, I don’t know where any of those dudes are, because I don’t really know where they were at before they died.
Where they were at spiritually?
Yeah. I know that Jimi Hendrix became a Christian because a friend of mine that recently passed away had known Jimi really well and owned almost every piece of memorabilia you can imagine. He had the psychedelic V and a couple of his strats. He had Hendrix’s prayer mat.
A prayer mat? Like to cushion your knees while you pray?
Yeah. Hendrix used to kneel on it and pray before he went onstage. Towards the end, before he died, he became a Christian. I had no idea.
Before you became a Christian, you dabbled in witchcraft. Or maybe dabbled isn’t the right word.
No, there was no dabbling. I definitely practiced it full-on.
Did you cast any hexes?
Of course. [Laughs.] If you’re not casting hexes, you’re not really doing witchcraft. You’re just reading about it.
Did you have any favorite hexes? Or any hexes that actually worked?
It’s been so long. The whole subject is kind of boring to me.
That’s weird. As somebody with exactly zero experience in hexes, I can’t think of anything less boring.
I did two hexes. One was on a guy who punched me in the back of the head when I wasn’t looking, and the other was on a girl that I wanted to seduce.
And they both worked?
They did. And that’s why I don’t do hexes anymore. And it’s why I don’t do Megadeth songs like “The Conjuring” anymore. The lyrics are basically just a list of instructions from some of the hexes I’ve done.
You’re worried about copycats?
Yeah, I am. I could play the music, it wouldn’t bother me at all. But the lyrics, I don’t know. When I wrote it, I thought it was really cool to put that stuff in there. I didn’t think beyond the end of my nose that other kids were going to hear it and probably take it to heart.
I just Googled the lyrics to “The Conjuring,” and I guess you’re right, it is like a recipe for a hex. I apparently need a candle and a piece of parchment and an eyelash from a black cat and the straw of a broom. This is all accurate?
It is, yeah.
Where do you even go to find the eyelash from a black cat? Amazon, maybe?
I have no clue. I’m not saying everybody would listen to that song and decide to try doing a hex. Maybe out of 100 people, 99 will think it’s stupid, or 99 will think it’s cool but would never do it. But there’s always that one. You know what I mean? I don’t want to be responsible for misleading anyone. It’s hard enough to survive in this world without getting bad ideas from a metal song.
Th1rt3en is out now on Roadrunner Records.
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